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Who We Are

Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2011
In The Beginning

Introducing the Salvation Farms’ Board and Executive Director - Drum roll…

* Susan Bartlett, Board President                                                       Hyde Park, VT

Susan has experience in education, human service programs, budgeting and has been involved in the issue of hunger in Vermont for a number of years.  Susan established and operated her own business.  Susan has an excess of 15 years in the state legislature serving multiple years as Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.  Susan also has an interest in programs that will increase quality within our state Department of Corrections.

* Dorigen Keeney, Secretary                                                                 Johnson, VT

Dorigen has a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and is a registered dietitian.  She has extensive experience in community nutrition and anti-hunger work.  Dorigen is the Director of Programsat a Vermont anti-hunger organization.

* Amy Shollenberger                                                                                Montpelier, VT

Amy has more than 13 years of grassroots organizing, policy, and political issue campaign experience.  Amy worked as a press secretary for a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and as a senior policy analyst for Public Citizen’s Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program.  As Rural Vermont’s Executive Director, she worked to double membership, create a volunteer and intern program, and develop a dynamic board. Recently, Amy was the campaign manager for a gubernatorial primary candidate in Vermont. Amy is the sole proprietor of Action Circles, which assists organizations and small businesses with campaign strategies, organizational capacity building, and facilitation.

* Theresa Snow, Executive Director                                                   Morrisville, VT

Theresa, born and raised in Vermont, is proud to have farming in her family heritage and is honored to have worked in Vermont’s agricultural/horticultural sector for more than 14 years.  She is the founder and director of Salvation Farms, from its pilot year in 2004 to present, for which she has received multiple awards, regionally and nationally.  She received a degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management from Sterling College in Craftsbury Common, Vermont.  Theresa has worked with well know agricultural businesses in Vermont, like Pete’s Greens and High Mowing Organic Seeds.  Most recently she served as the Director of Agricultural Resources for the Vermont Foodbank.  Theresa fills a seat on the Laraway Youth and Family Services board and has she just completed a two year term on the board of the Rutland Area Farm and Food Link.  She is also a member of the New England Grassroots Environment Fund small grants committee.  Theresa is an individual with a strong sense of place and a steadfast conviction for the responsible stewardship and use of our natural resources.  Although she finds herself wrapped up in work much of the time, Theresa does love traveling, hiking, gardening, live music and spending time with her friends and family.