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What We're Up To

Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Out of the Office

I have just left our great state in route to California.  I currently sit at JFK between flights finishing this post that began early this morning.

While away I will be attending the Community Food Security Coalition's Annual Conference. I will be co-presenting at this event with Why Hunger, a national anti-hunger organization, about how emergency food providers can creatively and effectively increase the amount of nutritious food available to the individuals they serve. In addition, I am also honored to be leading a networking session with the Vermont Foodbank to engage participants in a discussion about the intersection of emergency food relief and community food security. This is bound to be an amazing conference.  I’ll be sure to let you know how it all goes.

After the conference in mid-November, I’ll begin traveling across America to visit organizations that have programs similar to those I foresee Salvation Farms instituting here in Vermont.   I am looking forward to this trip as a source of information and inspiration. Keep watch for more blogs from the road.  Please visit the Research Trip page for more details as well as updates to many of our other pages.

I also want to mention a few things about a conference I was able to attend last weekend; Bioneers, Connecting for Change Conference.  The conference focused on earth’s biodiversity, social justice, ecological and economic sustainability and current affairs. It was terrific!  At this event the New England Grassroots Environment Fund (NEGEF) celebrated their 15 years of services and support to grassroots organizations throughout the Northeastern states, one of which has been Salvation Farms. Because of this tremendous fund, I and many other NEGEF grantees were able to attend Bioneers this year. I am pleased to have been a panelist in their food systems and issues workshop. It was well attended with lively discussion.

Mornings were filled with keynote speakers and performers. The afternoons with breakout sessions, workshops and panel discussions. Most inspiring was the spectrum of age and background represented by the attendees. The stories shared were inspiring and amazing.

Below is a list of just a few of the amazing folks that shared their perspectives and stories.  This is just a sampling of those that resonated deeply with me.  Check ‘em out!

Until next time ~ be well & eat well.


Graham Hill, Life Edited. A promoter and practitioner of life simplified and downsized. 

Christopher Johnson, Poet & Spoken Word Artist. Christopher presents his powerful perspective in passionate, inspirational and captivating form.

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now, Journalist & Social Justice Advocate. Amy sends a strong message about the media's responsibility to provide accurate information and the rights of people to have news sources that work for the social benefit of our culture.

Satish Kumar, Peace Advocate. As a young man, accompanied by a close friend, Satish impressively walked for peace – for two years. He told us of walking from India to Russia through Europe into England and then sailed to America. 

John Francis, Peace Advocate & Environmentalist. John took to walking as his sole means of transportation for 22 years and chose to hold a vow of silent during 17 of these years; a remarkable individual and an inspiring story of discipline and self-discovery.

Laurie David, Social & Environmental Justice Advocate. Laurie presented what we have lost and can thus regain by reintroducing the concept and practice of the family dinner in our lives and culture once again.