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Posted Friday, August 17, 2012
Moving Forward

Greetings Friends

I blog tonight out of sheer excitement about a new resource we are so grateful to have to share with you!  We invite you to view, download and share Vermont Fresh: A Fruit and Vegetable Handbook.  It is a large document and takes a little while to download but is well worth the wait.

Many people and partners have made this document possible from Salvation Farms' co-founder Jen O'Donnell and the document's partners Sterling College and the Vermont Foodbank.

We are honored to thank Anna Schulz for her thorough editing, Jay Merrill for his amazing art work and High Mowing Organic Seeds for providing many photos contained within the Handbook's pages.

An additional thank you must go out to Tim Patterson from Sterling College as he solicited and secured grant funds to support the first edition printing of the Handbook – which will be distributed to emergency food access sites around the state.

And to Sterling College faculty member, Allison Van Akkeren for her years of dedication to the creation of this document, her commitment to engage her students in the creation of individual crop pages and for her own thoughtful contributions and thorough reviews.  Thank You.

Within the first pages of the Handbook we speak to why eating fresh foods is important, how this document came to be, what crops are available when and what other resources are available for those with limited access to fresh regionally produced foods.

The remaining 80 pages are dedicated to providing information about specific crops that are typically produced in the Vermont region.

Please - open, download, read, share and eat your veggies!

Until next time - Be well & eat well
