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Independent Progress

Posted Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Moving Forward

Great news!  Salvation Farms has just received its federal non-profit status. We are now considered a public charity under the 501c3 IRS code. The application process was a lengthy one, beginning in June 2011. We had assistance from two very helpful and generous legal advisers and once submitted, our application was approved in less than five weeks. That was fast!

What does this mean for Salvation Farms?

It means that we no longer need the support of another organization to legitimately raise funds. It means that we are a stand-alone not-for-profit mission driven business in the eyes of both the state and federal government. And to think this all started as a little project on a diversified vegetable farm at the gateway to the Northeast Kingdom in 2004. Wow…

Over the course of our history, we have been so fortunate to have partnered with well known Vermont organizations that have enabled us to function as a non-profit until we determined what our direction and structure would be. We had the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont act as our fiscal agent in 2005-2008. Then our gleaning work was folded into the statewide work of the Vermont Foodbank organization (2008-2011). When we realized that we wanted to create an independent non-profit, we asked the Center for an Agricultural Economy to act as our fiscal agent until we worked through the IRS application process (2011-2012).

Please consider making a contribution to support Salvation Farms!

Our work is so important. We are dedicated to generating greater access to Vermont raised foods in a way that makes the best use of what is produced in Vermont. When we have so many citizens in our state that rely on community meal sites, emergency food providers and institutional kitchens serving hospitals, nursing homes and schools, we need to look close to home to serve our needs before we look elsewhere for resources.

Salvation Farms is building community and statewide connections necessary for insuring that many of our most vulnerable citizens have access to healthy, whole foods that are ecologically and locally grown. This is not only necessary but it is the socially, economically and environmentally responsible thing to do.

Make your donation today!

Send a check payable to Salvation Farms to PO Box 1174, Morrisville, VT 05661. Help Vermont lead the way to building a stronger agricultural sector and food system that will guarantee all Vermont citizens have access to whole, nutritious and sensibly grown foods and where farms will be key pieces in our communities and culture once again.

Contact us anytime! Your interest in Salvation Farms and commitment to our vision is what will lead us to success; or 802-522-3148.

Salvation Farms wishes you and yours the best this spring.

Be well, eat well -
