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Giving Thanks

Posted Saturday, November 26, 2011
Research Trip

In the season of giving thanks, I send you warm wishes for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your loved ones.  Even though I am far from home, I've been blessed with the ability to join my aunt and her family for a wonderful thanksgiving meal.   I give thanks for many things right now, the generosity of my friends, family and new acquaintances.  I’ve been taken in, well fed and provided safe and comfortable places to stay.

Salvation Farms’ board members and I are thankful for all of the contributions made to date toward this research trip.  Salvation Farms has raised roughly $2,500 of our projected trip budget of $7,000.  We have received donations from many individuals and Vermont based companies and appreciate each and every donation. However, we are still in need of support to ensure that Salvation Farms can continue to cover the cost of this trip.  Until more funding is received, I have made the decision to use our donor funds only for fuel and housing; I am personally covering the cost of the rental vehicle as well as all of my food expenses.  As I am not yet receiving an income from Salvation Farms at this point funds, both personally and organizationally, are very tight.

Please consider sending a donation of any amount to support this research trip and the future work of Salvation Farms.  You are invited to encourage your friends to contribute to Salvation Farms too.

To provide your financial support to Salvation Farms please make your check payable to the Center for an Agricultural Economy (CAE) with a memo for Salvation Farms.  Mail your support to The Center for an Agricultural Economy, Attn: Salvation Farms Support, PO Box 451, Hardwick, Vermont 05843.

Most Sincerely –


This is me - enjoying lunch at the Delancey Street Foundation's Crossroads Cafe in San Francisco, baby greens & fresh carrot juice.  Yum!   This is an amazing organization - well worth a visit to their web-site; just click on the link above.

"We are a community where people with nowhere to turn, turn their lives around."  -Delancey Street Foundation